It's about time for some information. The first weeks are over and a lot of things happened. We were busy with boat work and preparations.
We finished the electric stuff and the solar arc. We got a new dinghy and made some last preparations for the crossing to the Cape Verde Islands. My father arrived as our 3rd crew member and we buyed a lot of proviant.
In the first days of November, there were a lot of events, organized by the ARC. There was also an event of Hallberg-Rassy. All owners and crew members of their yachts were invited.
We prepared and checked our lifejackets. Every crew member has a rescueME PLB3 personal locator beacon integrated in his lifejacket.
Finally we painted a stone at the breakwater of the marina. There was a flag parade through the marina. Boats of 26 countries participate at ARC+, we represented Switzerland.
At 10th of November 2024 we were ready to go.

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